Sunday, February 17, 2008

Michael Clayton (2007)

Another nominated for this year's Oscars. Michael Clayton (George Clooney) is 'mr. fix it' in a law firm. We do not get to see how Michael fixes things but we do see how he doesn't - he is in a middle of a too-obvious-to-be-real moral dilemma out of which he is lucky enough to get out. Mr Clooney does an normal job at acting - which in some contexts is praised as masterful. I find much better Tom Wilkinson who has fewer but poignant scenes. Also Tilda Swinton is great at creating tensions while all the tensions are only economically pointed at. The plot wants to be intricate but it ends up being just a bit convoluted. Another OK movie that makes me think there were better years in the life of cinema.

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