Sunday, February 17, 2008

Juno (2007)

It's Oscar time and this is one of the nominated movies. This is just another American teen movie. However, I had the patience to watch it to the end and for somewhat of a good reason - it is better. The main character is much stronger, stronger out of its context, out of any expected proportion. Juno is stylized to a such a degree that she resembles the ideal 21st century women - cynical but sensitive, kind of stupid but learning, glacial but on fire. Ellen Page (I love her act) is and does everything-the bad and the ugly included, she is the undisputed center of attention. Trying to escape the attraction of the Juno sun I was happy to see Jennifer Garner the future mommy doing an exceptionally tensed role. I like the idea - she is this 20th century women with work, position and seemingly independent but also incapable of having her own children. I enjoyed this parallel enough to make the movie worth watching and the music also helped a bit. Ok - it is not the regular teen movie, it is even good, but is it really worth a nomination for the best movie? I would watch it again but not many times. Here's a trailer mixed with the song that I actually like >

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