Wednesday, November 08, 2006

X2 or Xmen 2 (2003)

One thing I learned from this film: even in the year the action takes places, even in a school for (presumably progressive) mutants...well... bier is NOT allowed in school. Meaning in the kitchen. - Logan (the guy with special steel claws coming out from the back of his hands) asks for a bier and a student (able the cool-freeze stuff) is utterly surprised, This is a school, said he implying 'you won't find bier miles around, and I realize neither the school nor the teenager are European. I liked the transformations and the fights, as well as the way various 'powers' combined. Most of all, the Magneto demonstration as well as his assistant transformations. PS: Is it possible that Jean simply died? This smells like a followup. 2006

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