Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Borat! (2006)

"Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan". I have something against slapstick comedies but this one is particularly brainless. There is nothing funny in it except for drunken high school teens or people remembering that mindless period of their life. I could not find any line or situation worth mentioning. I am not especially against Jews jokes unless they are really tasteless and completely predictable like the rest of the 'jokes' in the movie. It definitely was a waste of time to watch it.

1 comment:

Lucian said...

The movie appears now (March 2007) in Italy and it is presented as the most interesting politicaly incorrect creation of all times. Should I listen to marketing I would watch it again. In fact, I even feel I misjudged it...NOT..