Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau(2011)

Would you give up your loved one and your love just because you want what's best for them and for you? This movie argues that no, you shouldn't give up on your love for what may seem like higher reason or maybe  that you should not give up because what could a higher reason be for a human being if not love.
As easy as that the question may look in this one and a half hours I think it has a real hard core to it: would you do something bad to do something good. I guess the answer is never simple because reason just got a blue screen.
Another theme touched upon is free will. Do we have it? How do we know if we do? What is the cost of it? The answers are: Yes, we know when we fight for it, it was to have a high cost at least temporarily. In the movie the implicit cost is high to start with but after that everybody will live happily ever after.
So are you going to follow the path of the Adjustment Bureau or not? What side are you falling on? 

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