The Dark Knight
The old battle beetwen good and bad picurized in the new Batman movie. But how... I don´t know where to start, first, even though there were some questions left open in the end (like how did the Joker come to so much power, how did he manage to collect all these people around him and why did none of the policemen shoot during the chase in the tunnel???) I was overwhelmed, this is a great film. It contains love, hate, good, bad, drama, action, fear, revenge, insanity,....and so on. It´s just worth watching to see Heath Ledger in the role of the Joker. I was reading an interview with him about this character and he was saying, that he could invent this character all by himself, there were no fixed items but the clothes. Even the make up was his idea. Well, he does a very good job, he is by far the best actor here. He is so scary all the time because the Joker lives the theory of chaos, you can´t see through his madness and anarchy ideas, he´s completely crazy and highly intelligent at the same time. This coctail makes him so interessting. The battle he and Batman are fighting is the endless battle, because none of them can exist without the other. And sometimes it becomes clear how close they are, how tiny is the step from one side to the other, from love to hate, from good to bad and that sometimes you can´t even see what is what, because we are just humans. I also liked the role of Batman´s butler very much, with his smirk humor, the wise advices and his complete loyalty. The questions comes up, if Batman is fighting criminality in the rigth way, if it is defensible to answer to violence with violenec, even though the movie seems to answer this qustion with yes, it´s still there for me. Christian Bale as the Batman is doing a solid job by having a straight back, a handsome apperiance and a serious, stony face that sometimes shows a smile, but not too often. The dark hero, and dark is this whole film indeed. But we have another hero, Aaron Eckhart alias Harvey Dent is the white hero, the good guy and new district attorney that brings hope and humanity into Gotham City, not having the same abilities as Batman of course, but having a lot of power that he is using for the right and order. So he ist also a target for the Joker and it is Batmans who has to save the hope for the City. Will he succeed?